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About Us
The Malawi Space Agency (MSA) was established in 2023 under the Communications Act, 2016 to oversee all the operational aspects of space activities in Malawi. This initiative is in line with the Malawi 2063 Agenda under Pillar 2 where the Promotion of Research, Science Technology, and Innovation has been given priority. It also provides alternate services to assist realization of pillar one and three which looks at agriculture commercialization and urbanization respectively.
The foundation principles of the Agency include: promoting research and development in space science and technology; developing and maintaining a robust space industry with services and applications that support national interest; responsible use of space environment ensuring that all activities and programs are in accordance with the law and international regulations and treaties; regulating space industry with openness, transparency, and predictability to maintain and maximize benefits of space technology for all citizens and co-operation with other administrations and international organizations on the use of space technology.
The key operational areas and management of the MSA are the Earth Observation (Natural Resources Management, Environment Monitoring, Disaster Management; Agricultural applications, Urban and Land Use Planning and Management); Space engineering (Communications, Navigation) and Security Applications (border encroachment, Lake activity monitoring etc.).